What is a Coconut Husk? with pictures

For outdoor growers in tropical climates, they work great. Malcolm’s other interests include collecting vinyl records, minor league baseball, and cycling. Since 1995, Epicurious has been the ultimate food resource for the home cook, with daily kitchen tips, fun cooking videos, and, oh yeah, over 33,000 recipes. Baking tools, funky mugs, and the best crunchy nut butter.

SWC has a lower risk at bacterial growth and root rotting, thanks to the roots getting a chance to dry out. Once you find out how many wet and dry days your orchid needs, then this cycle is constantly repeated. This can be time-consuming, but surely a rewarding project. Would be a waste to just throw them out if you have use for them. This type of mix works well for indoor phalaenopsis orchids.

Leca Balls​Perlite​Sphagnum Moss

Coconut husk chips also resist bacterial, fungal, and mold growth, which can threaten plants. Snails, slugs, moths, and other insects also aren’t attracted to coconut bark chips as they are to natural soil and some other growing solutions. In fact, it can kill phalaenopsis orchids to use ordinary soil as their potting medium – it will suffocate the roots! Orchids aren’t difficult to grow and maintain, but they need the correct planting medium, light, moisture, drainage and fertilizer. This is a popular form of potting medium for phalaenopsis orchids, especially as they are so easy to ship and store.

how to make coconut husk chips at home

To begin the husking, the individual should grasp the coconut firmly with both hands and slam the body onto the sharpened point of the stick. This action will help to pierce the coconut husk and lift up a small section of the outer husk. Using one hand, he or she should peel the released husk away from the body of the coconut, repeating the process until the husk is completely removed.

Required Materials

With a factory of 1800m2 scale and modern technology, our coconut husk chips are always kept in good condition until they are brought to the final customer. I buy lots of coconuts – you would do too if you were making homemadecoconut oil, cream, butter, milk, yogurt regularly (and you should, they’re fantastic!). That means a lot of shells that I don’t want to throw away. Whether you want them to store things, to turn into a coconut candle, or for food purposes, the process is super simple. But YES, it IS possible to plant Phalaenopsis orchids in water too! To grow your orchids in water, unpot the plant, remove the medium and gently rinse the roots.

Plant the orchid as normal in a clean pot, using the new potting mix. You can always buy both fine and coarse grade coconut husk chips if you’re not sure what to go for. Then you can use them both as needed, either separately or mixed in together. Below we’ll discuss in more detail how to use coconut husk for orchids, what are the pros and cons. And answer a few other frequently asked questions about different potting soils. Once you discover all the benefits of using coconut husk chips, you’ll wonder why we ever threw coconut shells away.

How to Make Homemade Coconut Chips

Find these revolutionary products at your nearest garden store today. You don’t need any specialized equipment for any of these DIYs, either. Although, I did use a small saw to cut the coconut in half so that I’d get a perfectly even cut for my bowls. You can pick up a little hand saw from any hardware store, and the entire cost of making this DIY is still cheaper than buying coconut bowls elsewhere . If you’ve used cactus soil for your indoor cacti, you know how dry it quickly becomes – this is too dry for orchids. And not only that, but cactus soil is also too compact for orchid roots.

how to make coconut husk chips at home

Commonly mixed with coconut fiber growing medium to improve aeration for plants. Pink Leaf Wholesale coco husk chips contain no salt and are extremely clean. Our coco chips come from mainland coconuts and not coastal so they have a much lower salt content then usual, the less salt the better. Hydrate the needed amount by soaking overnight in water. Plant the orchid in a clean pot using the coconut husk chips as the potting medium.

So I don’t recommend using cactus soil for your orchids. It’s pretty much the exact opposite of what Phalaenopsis orchids need. All you need is coconut shells and tools to break them with. After this, let them soak in water for about 7-10 days.

Small handsaw – can be bought very cheaply online or from local DIY stores. Mature Coconut/s – It’s best to choose ones that have slightly flatter ends, to balance easier and nicely round-shaped. Plus, ones that don’t have too much of the outer fibrous husk. Also, drill 2-3 holes on the sides so you can hang the shell with some string or wire from the sealing/shelf.

How Are Coconut Husk Chips Made?

Also, make sure the roots fit inside the container easily. It’s better to have too much space than too little, because you can just always add more water to reach the roots. For the system to work you need a container to hold the water – any kind of clear glass vase or jar will do as long as it has a wide enough opening. You want the air to easily move in and out of the container, and for the leaves to rest on the rim. At the store, you will find small grades – ¼” to ½” and medium grade – ½” to ¾” individually wrapped bricks.

how to make coconut husk chips at home

Ancient cultures have grown different crops using the hydroponics method. If you’re determined to test it though, then you could try mixing it with something that provides aeration to it – like perlite. Perlite would prevent cactus soil from becoming too compact. When growing orchids indoors, we must mimic this by offering the orchid a growing medium that is breathable and allows water to flow through freely. A growing medium that retains enough water to hydrate the roots, without making them soggy.

As such, the intake of salt is present in all parts of the coconut trees, even the coconuts. What you need to know is that the excess salt can hurt the roots of the phalaenopsis orchids. Therefore, the coconut husk chips require a thorough rinsing.

how to make coconut husk chips at home

The testing process makes sure the chips have a relatively neutral pH level and optimum electrical conductivity. They’re then sifted to remove any fine dust and debris. Once they are pure, manufacturers package their coconut husk chips and ready them for sale. What makes up the most value of our product comes from the skillful hands of our workers who work with all their hearts to produce coconut husk chips with the best quality. Above quantity and price, quality is viewed as the keyword in our company’s core value. We work for quality, build up prestige by the quality, and develop our shelves based on quality.


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